Contact us

Ce formulaire de contact est destiné à l'équipe de La librairie de La Bourse de Commerce - Pinault Collection

Pour toute demande relative à la billetterie, aux expositions et collections du Musée ou toute autre demande ne concernant pas La librairie, merci de prendre contact avec les équipes concernées via le site du musée.

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{{ errors.first('contact[lastname]') }}
{{ errors.first('contact[message]') }}
{{ errors.first('contact[subject]') }}
{{ errors.first('contact[comments]') }}
* denotes required fields.

Your data is intended for our company, which is responsible for processing it. They are necessary to process your requests. Mandatory data are indicated on the form by an asterisk. Access to data is strictly limited to our employees in charge of processing your request. In accordance with the European Regulation n°2016/679/EU of 27/4/2016 and the amended "Informatique et Libertés" law of 6/1/1978, you have the right to access, rectify, delete, limit and object the processing of data concerning you which you can exercise by contacting our Data Protection Officer. For more information, see our privacy policy.